College Trade Competition

Competiton Starts in April 22th 2024 | Dealine to join: April 24th


  • Is the current price the last market open price?

    To ensure fair pricing given update limits: We are using the Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP). This method calculates average prices from the start of the trading day, updated every 15 minutes. We do not suggest day trading but recommend a longer-term investment strategy

Any questions?


1st Place: $250 usd
2nd Places from a pool of $175 usd (Can be multiple)
3rd Places from a pool of $100 usd (Can be multiple)

The top 3 winners along with top 10% of all participants will receive digital badges and awards and shall be recommended to recruiters for internship and employment opportunities with our participating partners

If we get more than 40 competitors. Non 1-3rd places, top 10% Will also receive a monetary award from a pool of at least 100 USD.

All participants are entitled to participation certifications and competition performance report upon request.

Location & Schedule

Location: New York (Digital)

Start Date:

April 22th. More emails will be sent near the start date containing more details.


First Phase

April 22th to May 24th

The first phase will consist on trading stocks in a trading simulation platform.


Target Audience: New York College Students (Undergraduate and Masters)

At the moment we are cathering to College Students from New York to make prize logistics possible. But for the next competitions we will be attempting to also include  ollege students.

Competition Difficulty

Easy, for beginners, not many competitors expected.

Stages 1: (4 weeks)  April 22th – May 20th
Enter and trade stocks using real time data.

Top 10 Ranked get Announces: May 22th

Stage 2: (1 Week)  May 22th – 31th
Top 10% will earn the right to fight for 1st, 2nd and 3rd competition by entering into stage 2 that last a week where candidates have to send a short video (no more than 5 minutes explaining the reasoning behind their investment decisions)

Time Investment
Little. As long as it takes you to decide to invest a stock that will be enough.


I am not from Public College can I still apply?
> Yes

Does it cost anything?

> No, everything will be provided for free.

Can I join even if I missed the start date?
 > Yes

Can I still register and join even if I forgot to register before the start date?
>  Yes,  – Your access will be allowed in less than 24 Hours

Whats the registration process? 
> Complete the following form before and you will be in!

Do I need to know how to invest in a stock before joining? 
> No, we will send tutorials videos and learning resources before its commencement!

Is it very competitive? 
> No, most of the competitors are undergraduates with little to no experience in investment, we are not expecting a lot of competitors, you may win by default.

Do I need to be from a specific major/minor? 

> No, this is open for all students.

I am a recruiter, or I am someone who is interested in accessing the winners, can I become a sponsor? Does it have a fee?
> it wont cost any fees, please indicate below that you are a sponsor.

Cool, I am a college student, can I join the team?
> We are always looking for enthusiastic students to join. Please indicate so in the feedback comments section:
Join Team Request –

What email to use?
> Use the email we will send you updates and ceremony updates, etc. Doesn’t need to be your student email.